Referral Marketing: Take Care of Your Referrals
From that quote, you can probably tell that a key part of your referral marketing strategy is to take…
It is STILL About Your USP!
Brand this. Brand that. Personal branding. Brand development. Brand research. Brand awareness. YOUR small business isn't Apple…
Customer Service & HR Lessons via
This weekend I watched a piece on on CBS Sunday Morning. For anyone unfamiliar with Zappos…
5 EASY Ways to Lose Your Customers
You are a busy, busy small business owner and entrepreneur. You are planning your next big venture, ordering new computers, hiring a new assistant...and not paying attention to the one area you should focus most of your attention on-your existing customers.
Building a Loyal Community
The buzz in marketing, whether online or offline, is about building real relationships and a community of loyal followers. You are a bricks and mortar old school type business and you aren't sure what this means for you.