Qualities of Successful Business Owner
Discover the personal traits and typical lifestyle choices common among successful small business owners.
Office Technology: Friend or Foe?
Small business owners who employ staff find office technology to be both a friend and foe. The ready flow of information and the transparency that comes with it is a boon to business owners and managers.
Hire Heroes for Small Business Needs
Despite the resources we have gathered here, our American Heroes - service men and women - often find it difficult to find placement upon their return (in fact, NBC reports 12% unemployment in this group).
Big Bold Goals Take You Further
Successful entrepreneurs and small business owners set big bold goals. Gary Vaynerchuk will…
Small Business Cloud Computing
I think we small business owners are starting to take cloud computing for granted.
Required Reading for Small Business Owners
We all know our world is changing rapidly (who can believe that in 2003, YouTube did not exist? Nor did Facebook or iPhones or geolocation).
Affiliate Marketing for Small Businesses
I've recently had some questions about affiliate marketing and for good reason. Affiliate marketing is spreading like wildfire across the Internet.
Video Marketing: Where Should My Videos Be?
Video marketing is one of the key things I've been encouraging you to try. Nothing gives your potential customer a better understanding…
Who's Your Banker?
Watching the banking industry over the last 20 years is a bit like watching Pac-Man. One big bank eats another bank and is then eaten by a larger bank.
Lifestyle Design: Do You Know What You Want?
Lifestyle design is a new catch-all term for building a life and business/career, free from traditional constraints…