The Coach/Client Relationship
No doubt, many of you wonder what a coach is, especially one without a whistle around their neck. There are many types of business and life coaches and the coaching relationship is unique to the coach and the client.
Save Money, Save Staff
Absolutely no business owner wants to look into the eyes of an employee when they are about to lay them off. If you've been through this, you know and with the current economic climate, you are certainly not alone.
Marketing Channels: Doorways to More Customers
The more doorways into your business that you can create the better. Why not make it easy for potential customers to find you? Here is a list of many common marketing channels that you can use.
Build Relationships to Build Sales
It used to be that advertising a new product or service was enough to attract new or existing customers to buy. Now that all consumers are exposed to advertising at every conceivable place, you must engage consumers and clients at a deeper level.
Reducing Payroll Costs Without Layoffs
The economy has us all a little worried, right? We're all trying to do the best we can with what we've got, especially when people aren't spending money like they used to.
Secrets to Managing Challenging Employees
You are a small business owner with a thousand things on your mind and tasks to mark off your "to do" list. Like a gnat buzzing in your ear, you know you need to deal with a technician…
What to Look for in a Financial Advisor
Money is a complicated topic. People divorce over it. Businesses fail because of lack of understanding of it. Even large corporations stumble and fall because they made bad decisions about it.
Free or Low Cost Marketing Tips
Large business are reducing their advertising budgets so it is no surprise small business is as well. In fact, 74% of corporate business marketing departments indicate that they are reducing their advertising budgets.
Should You Go the Franchise Route?
Perhaps you've been laid off recently or you've always had a burning desire to own and manage your own business.
5 Mad Skills Small Biz Owners Should Develop
No one said that being an entrepreneur or small business owner would be easy. You are constantly being challenged by "issues": technical, people, equipment, economical.
Stay Lean Going Forward
There might be a bright spot that results from the current recession. According to a recent survey by Network Solutions and University of Maryland's Smith Business School, 66% of businesses are streamlining to be more efficient.
Treat Your Employees as Partners
Employee motivation is a challenging and complex issue. Why shouldn't employees be skeptical about investing their future in a single endeavor?

Using Video to Build Brand Loyalty
Just because you have a small service business or bricks and mortar retail establishment does not mean your Web site (or blog) cannot be pumped up with multimedia tools.
5 Ways to Minimize Startup Costs
There are only two ways to start a business and see profits quickly: minimize costs and get a product/service out to the public to generate income as soon as possible.
Building a Loyal Community
The buzz in marketing, whether online or offline, is about building real relationships and a community of loyal followers. You are a bricks and mortar old school type business and you aren't sure what this means for you.
The First Step: Is Your Business Proposition Viable?
Before you think brand or business name, before you start dreaming of logos and business cards, you need to know if your business idea is viable.
Curtailing Communication Problems
Whether it is an employee, a customer or a vendor, you've undoubtedly found yourself in the perplexing position of wondering why you can't seem to communicate with this person. They zig, you zag.
What's YOUR Brand?
Every thing you do, every thing you say in person and online, every product or service you offer, who you ARE, defines your personal brand.
How Do You Identify Your Ideal Customer?
We all understand the concept of a niche market-you need to satisfy a specific need or desire for a customer and the more specific that customer is, the more likely you are to succeed in small business or as an entrepreneur.
A Photographer's View of Entrepreneurs
I have a passion for many things: supporting startups and entrepreneurs, family, strong values and photography. I personally enjoy the challenge of learning the camera and I love