Beating Frustration in Your Small Business
Last time I told you about the 80/20 principle and recommended you read The 80/20 Principle. Take a minute to review that post on Pareto's Law.
Pareto's Law - more time, more profits, less headaches!
Want to change your life? I did when I "met" Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto. Actually he passed away in 1923 but I was introduced…
Cost-Effective Ways to Hire New Employees
There are some small signs of the recession residing a bit. NOT big signs, but for some of you, you may want to hire a few additional…
Required Reading for Small Business Owners
We all know our world is changing rapidly (who can believe that in 2003, YouTube did not exist? Nor did Facebook or iPhones or geolocation).
Don't Reinvent the Marketing Wheel!
Marketing is a science. Yes there is some nuanced art in it, but it is a science with measurable results nonetheless.
Small Business: 10 Keys to Real Profits in Slow Markets
I've relayed a lot of information to you about small business issues: marketing, branding, legalities, human resources and management.
Affiliate Marketing for Small Businesses
I've recently had some questions about affiliate marketing and for good reason. Affiliate marketing is spreading like wildfire across the Internet.
Video Marketing: Where Should My Videos Be?
Video marketing is one of the key things I've been encouraging you to try. Nothing gives your potential customer a better understanding…
Craiglist "Help Wanted" Ads for Small Business
It is certainly an employers world right now with unemployment at 10%. But that doesn't mean you…
It is STILL About Your USP!
Brand this. Brand that. Personal branding. Brand development. Brand research. Brand awareness. YOUR small business isn't Apple…
Who's Your Banker?
Watching the banking industry over the last 20 years is a bit like watching Pac-Man. One big bank eats another bank and is then eaten by a larger bank.
Lifestyle Design: Do You Know What You Want?
Lifestyle design is a new catch-all term for building a life and business/career, free from traditional constraints…
Telecommuting: Is it Feasible for Your Business?
Telecommuting makes good business sense in many ways, including for small businesses.
Employee Retention Strategies for Small Businesses
t's been an employer's world for awhile now. Employee retention, especially of key talent, has…
Customer Service & HR Lessons via
This weekend I watched a piece on on CBS Sunday Morning. For anyone unfamiliar with Zappos…
In Your Small Business, It's All About Sales
When you are in business for yourself, either with a brick and mortar store, e-commerce or as a solo proprietor…
Re-activating Old Customers
Most businesses have a customer database. Are you tapping this gold mine of a resource for "new" business?
Is Your Personality Killing Business?
Is your personality killing your business? We all know someone who seems to chronically get in their own way. Short-tempered and short-sighted…
Congress Wants to Spend Your Money!
With all the difficulties in the economy it seems the government wants to ramp up health coverage for adult children through age 26...
15 of the Best Productivity Tips Ever
Start your day earlier. I talked about that here. Wait to open email. Review for important projects/tasks left over from the previous day instead.