Excellence vs. Equality in the Workplace
Our culture - in its endeavor to be sure that everyone is recognized for their efforts and treated fairly - has traded excellence for equality, particularly in today's workplace.
Expecting Excellence from your Employees
Expecting - and getting - excellence from your employees does not happen by accident.
The Entitlement Gang and the "Whatever" Culture
I sincerely doubt that the 18 year old in your life has read Thomas Paine or Henry David Thoreau or even heard of Adam Smith or Alexander Hamilton.
Choosing Accounting Software for Your Business
Today we have a guest post from Derek Singleton of Software Advice. He gives us some insight into…
Excellence and Productivity, Keys to Success
The entitlement virus has infected our culture, our politics, our businesses, and maybe even our families.
Business Cards: Still a Humble Servant
Your first business card is a big deal. That 3.5 X 2 inch piece of card stock signified that you were somebody in business-that you had arrived.
You MUST Have Seen This...
I like the concept of bucking the trend of college being the end all. As we discussed earlier, there are alternatives to college…
What's Up In the Cloud?
Apple is creating a stir again and, to gauge all the chatter going on around the recent iCloud/Steve Jobs announcement, you'd have thought they invented the cloud.
Do Something - Even If It's Wrong!
Entrepreneurs differ from wannabe entrepreneurs in one significant way: they take action. Inertia is the first cousin of fear.
Is Work Necessary?
Entrepreneurial-types often start small businesses because they think they will have to work less than if they were employed at a job.
Values Inventory: Unearth Your Best Life
Your values tell the story of who you are and who you want to be. Whether you are growing a small business…
Steer Your Own Ship
When you dream of owning your own small business, or any other "career" aspiration, are you…
Money vs. Time: The Ultimate Question
Many small business owners start their own companies because they want freedom. They want freedom from a boss or corporation…
Is Your Stuff Robbing You of Your Dreams?
So you want to own a small business and funding is in the way. We've looked at reducing auto expenses, higher education costs and learned all about paying…
Finance Your Small Business with Auto Savings!
At this point in our series, you may be wondering what some of this has to do with small business mentoring.
Success and Home Ownership
Success is something YOU should define for yourself. For the vast majority of us, we never took…
Alternatives to Costly Degrees
University degrees are not the only option for building wealth and a business or career path.
Success: Question Everything!
My last post, and some recent reading, have my brain humming. I am not sure how many of us…
Some Thoughts on Higher Education
Higher education is coming under fire these days and I'm one of its many skeptics. I've written here about apprenticeships versus higher education and will continue to explore alternatives…
Big Bold Goals Take You Further
Successful entrepreneurs and small business owners set big bold goals. Gary Vaynerchuk will…